Tanka Poem!

Hello everyone,
Last week I posted a blog post about my personification poem. But this week I am posting about a new poem. I enjoyed learning about Tanka poem, this was a very different task to a personification poem. For this poem, you need to have 5 lines. For the first line, it is five syllables, for the second line, it is seven syllables, for the third line it is 5 syllables, for the fourth line it is seven syllables, and for the fifth line, it is seven syllables. Here is the Tanka poem I produced:

The toucan screeched loud,
 the toucan flew very high.
It flew to Rome city,
It saw all the sights of Rome,
It wanted to stay but could not.


The soldier stood tall,
He was proud of his great job.
He loved saving lives
And fighting for his country.

He was filled with joy and pride!

Thank you for reading
- Ruby S



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