
Showing posts from April, 2020

Weekly update

Hello everyone, This week we have cracked into online learning and scheduling the week out. So today I am going to share my thoughts on online learning and am going to tell you highlights of being in self-isolation. Online learning I think online learning has been good and fun to try out. Online learning is working out and I am glad we have it so we can keep track of things. It can be tuff not having that same kind of learning that you would get at school, but I think doing it online is still good. Highlights Chalk Art: My sister Eva and I have done chalk art on our driveway. It was very fun to make. We were also happy that we did it because lots of families and people around the area stopped and looked at our artwork. We were so happy that we made other people happy by doing our artwork. We loved watching people stop and look at our chalk art and make them smile.                                                                                                           

Term 2!

Hello everyone, As you know New Zealand is in Level 4 of lockdown.  So I have been staying safe at home.  I have been doing lots of walking and biking around the neighbourhood, and keeping up my fitness in any way possible! Painting My sister and I have also been painting. Painting has been very fun.  We have painted lots of boxes and making them into 'Letterboxes'.  Which has been very fun to try out. I painted a big yogurt box lids, and I also painted two boxes, one of the boxes was really thin and really long it was used to hold the lining in, and the other box used to hold bottles, it was the box I made into a letterbox. The decoration on the yogurt lids and the lining box was rainbow and on the other box, it was splashed with different colours! Decoration Easter has recently been too as you know.  So we decorated the house Easter themed. It was very fun to decorate the house! As a family, we decorated with old stuff that was in the attic, in the attic we found lo